The Inter-Assocation this year took place on 3rd April at Worplesdon. Normally played at West Hill GC the LJGA took the decision to change the venue for this year's event due to West Hill's inability to offer a two tee start which had, in the past, made completing 36 holes in daylight somewhat of a challenge. The teams were warmly welcomed at Worplesdon and despite the continuing challenges of the winter weather the course was presented in lovely condition.
Despite this year's event falling a mere three days after Easter Sunday we had a very enthusiastic team in Diana Reese, Sarah Brownlee (Capt), Melanie Wilson, Christine Wightman, Belinda Rattray, Jane Pettit and Hilary Wynter. The Legals this year were drawn against the Senior Women's Golf Association (South) (Formerly the Veteran Ladies Golf Association). The SWGA proved to be formidable opposition and in the event the last matches were called in. By the time the message reached the players news had reached the organisers that the SWGA had in fact won the first six matches.
In the other half of the draw the USLGA defeated the LMGS with the Inter-Association Cup being awarded at the end of the day to the USLGA who prevailed again in the afternoon.
Thanks go to the Ladies Joint Golf Association for another very well organised day, to all our players and trolley pullers for their wonderful support on the day and also to Worplesdon Golf Club for their warm hospitality and delicious catering.
As ever it was a very sociable day with the opportunity to renew friendships with members of the other ladies golf organisations and to take part in (or watch) a very good quality golf competition.