The Legals match against the ladies of Aldeburgh GC took place this year over two glorious sunny days at the beginning of June.
Following a light lunch with the host team the ladies went out to play eight singles matches. Having lost all the singles matches last year the Legals were keen to redress the balance and were delighted that the margin of defeat this year was reduced to 3 - 5. Congratulations to Ellie Evans, Sara Reston and Sarah Brownlee who all won their matches.

Standing Left to Right: Susie Rougier, Lotti Edmunds(AGC), Sara Reston, Jane Pettit, Hilary Wynter, Carol Wild, Tessa Summers (AGC), Sandra Ball (AGC), Diana Reese, Sarah Brownlee, Philly Collett, Judy Houlden, Rachel Trotman (AGC) and Gillie Galloway. Kneeling: Ellie Evans
There was a very convivial and delicious dinner in the clubhouse in the evening following which those Legals who were not staying with friends retired to the Thorpeness Golf Club & Hotel. The hotel proved to be very comfortable and provided a good breakfast in the morning by way of preparation for the morning's golf.
The foursomes match started at 9.00 a.m. and was very hard fought. With the Legals 2 -1 up after three matches excitement mounted in the clubhouse with hopes of an overall half. Sadly the last match went to the home team at the bitter end. Congratulations to the pairings of Carol Wild with Ellie Evans and Diana Reese with Judy Houlden who won their matches - always tricky playing foursomes!
With the overall result 7 - 5 to the Aldeburgh ladies the fixture was rounded off with another light lunch. After lunch most of the Legals departed but a few stayed on to play Thorpeness the following morning.
Many thanks to Aldeburgh GC and the ladies for all their hospitality and the warmth of their welcome. Thanks too to Susie Rougier and Gillie Galloway for organising the event and to all the Legals who played for the team.